
There's a possibility..

I spent the day with my loveliest friend, ma petite soeur, Claire, shown here at 6 years old (she is currently at the ripe old age of 9). She never fails to amuse or amaze me- her neverending curiosity, wit and energy keeps me entertained for hours. We went to see New Moon today, and despite having to cover her eyes through some of the "kissy" scenes, she loved it. My little buddy. I highly recommend spending a day with a child, it is rejuvenating (and subsequently exhausting) unlike anything else. So now the long holiday weekend draws to a close, and my family and pup has departed, reality is descending. This week will be a rough one, so I'm hoping it goes by rather quick and painlessly. If only I could revert to childhood, just to escape to the tough "adult" weeks such as this..

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