
Let me go..

I had to break someone's heart this weekend. It was nothing new, and a long time coming, but it didn't make it any easier. I couldn't have written a song any more appropriate. Have been listening to the Chapin Sisters for a while now, but a lot today. So beautiful. As for my situation, I hope this now brings us both peace, but unfortunately that doesn't help our hearts feel any better today.
On a much better note, prior to last night, had a lovely holidays. Saw old friends, relaxed with family, and spent some beautiful time in Santa Barbara. Glad to be back in LA though, it was interesting to return home for a couple of days, and really miss LA. I have been thinking a lot about New York as of late. Really want to get back there soon.

Well I am sincerely hoping to post some new jewelry this week on Etsy, but more than anything looking forward to hosting some friends at my home this week. Finally got my dining room set and some beautiful rugs and other hand me downs from my grand parents who were redecorating, will also do my best to post pics soon. Love my little haven more than ever.

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