
If I fall, would you fall with me

Mina Tindle - To Carry Many Small Things
Thanks as always to GvB for this goodie.


And when it's dark outside, you light the fire yourself

Knee deep in thesis finishing, I find myself getting so lost in the details and anecdotes, sometime losing sight of the bigger picture. I was surprisingly affected by Steve Job's death last week, not so surprising when I reflect on the 10+ Apple products I possess (only 4 of which are still in working order, one of which I am no doubt attached to at any given moment). He not only changed the world, but changed every detail of my daily life. I came across the 7 principles of his success, compiled post-mortum from one of the countless tributes. I find myself referring to them not only in the context of this behemouth task that is a thesis, but also in my professional and personal life, which, as in any creative industry, are constantly intertwined. I hope this helps anyone else in a similar spot!

7 principles of success

 1. Do what you love (Passion is everything)
 2. Put a dent in the universe (Have a big, bold, concise vision)
 3. Say no to 1,000 things (Focus, reduce the clutter, simplify, streamline, BRAND!)
 4. Kickstart your brain by doing something new (think differently)
 5. Sell dreams, not products
 6. Create insanely great experiences (Innovate)
 7. Master the message (you are constantly being judged, how well do you   communicate?)

Jay Stuckey, Submarino 2011 Collage on Paper 15 x 19 c/o The Company